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Currently, a digital model of part of Kaunas city is being developed, scanning the current situation. Also by integrating various past, present and planned models and projects.


In the project, students embody the role of architects, designers, civil engineers and other professionals and create their projects from the logo, plans to detailed 3D models throughout the school year.


Development of tools for increasing the efficiency of the life cycle processes of public sector structures using information modeling of a building. This project is funded by the European Social Fund.


With this project, we have been merging the building being developed in the real and digital world from the very beginning of construction. We “tie” them with sensors that show real parameters.


Let’s save real and significant buildings in digital format. With this project we aim to explore the possibilities of digitization and the generation of information important for heritage protection.

Energy 3D

The energy efficiency of building is one of the biggest problems in Lithuanian energy and construction industries, because the largest part of existing buildings is not energy efficient.


Community involvement in urban planning is crucial. This project creates maps of the past, present and future for the Šančiai district in Kaunas. They will reflect the history of the neighborhood.


We aim to systematize and visually present the possibilities of using various energy sources to the population and society. One Kaunas district was selected during the project.

Who we are

Our mission is to build, sustain and develop a community focused on smart cities and infrastructure, advancing the field through lifelong learning, research, and innovation.

Our vision is to establish and maintain an interdisciplinary community on smart cities and infrastructure-related topics (teachers-researchers, students, alumni, companies, municipalities, science partners) for joint activities and projects at all levels of study, non-formal education, R&D.


Centre for Smart Cities and Infrastructure (CSCI) was established on 1st Aug 2018 within the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (FCEA) of Kaunas University of Technology.  Official opening of CSCI was held on 22nd Jan 2019.

Before that on 22nd May 2018 Memorandum of Understanding on collaboration in the field of smart cities and infrastructure with Bentley Systems, YIT Lietuva INHUS Group, Kauno tiltai, Staticus, Digital Construction was signed. This was followed by cooperation agreements.

EU Horizon Projects

Next-generation Dynamic Digital EPCs for Enhanced Quality and User Awareness (D^2EPC)

Goal: To set the grounds for the next generation of dynamic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for buildings.

CSCI team contribution:

  • The introduction of the digital twin and BIM concepts in D^2EPC;
  • Development of API (IFC parser) for D^2EPC Information Model Key Performance Indicators: SRI – Smart Readiness Indicators, Life Cycle Assessment and Costs Analysis and considering user wellbeing aspects (thermal/vision comfort, air quality).

PRECEPT: A novel decentralized edge-enabled PREsCriptivE and ProacTive framework for increased energy efficiency and well-being in residential buildings

Goal: To make the transformation of the buildings from reactive to proactive more attractive to stakeholders, more reliable, secured and cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and in line with grid needs, thus enabling the acceleration of building proactiveness transformation.

CSCI team contribution:

  • 6D BIM modeling for PRECEPT system;
  • Development of Digital Twin by integrating BIM, Building Energy Performace Simulation and Reality Capture technologies.

Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown – eUMaP

Goal: To develop an open platform through which local and public authorities will be able to better plan and manage the demand and supply of building utilities, including energy, water, waste and telecommunication in crisis, quarantine and lockdown situations such as during COVID-19.

CSCI team contribution:

  •  Integration of Real-time and historical data about building‘s utilities into the digital twin and eUMaP platform.

Building Performance Digitalisation and Dynamic Logbooks for Future Value-Driven Services (CHRONICLE)

Goal: To deliver a holistic, life-cycle performance assessment framework and tool-suite for different building variants,
supporting sustainable design, construction and/or efficient renovation and investment decision-making. It will methodologically integrate ongoing initiatives, like EPCs, Level(s), SRI, under the umbrella of the Digital Building Logbook concept.

CSCI team contribution:

  • Help with continuous monitoring and analysis of the actual building performance over its lifetime, based on a digital twin framework.

Training programs

Prepared as needed.

Prepared as needed.

Prepared as needed.


Digital Advancement Academies

Opened KTU Centre for Smart Cities and Infrastructure and joined Bentley Systems Digital Advancement Academies and were the first University subdivision to do it.

Center members were able to participate in distance learning courses, training, and events.


Dr. Darius Pupeikis

Head of Centre

Studentų gatvė 48, Kaunas

Vytautas Bocullo
Dr. Vytautas Bocullo



Rytis Venčaitis
Rytis Venčaitis



Justas Kardoka
Justas Kardoka



Studentų str. 48-427, 51367 Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas University of Technology

Company code 111950581

VAT code LT119505811,

Address K. Donelaičio St. 73, 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania

Doctoral students

Strategic Partners